Your Abilities Are Mine Ch 1

Honours are even on that score. What exactly did Queen Brynn tell you your life here would be Sia asks looking over Dabrias shoulder at Brynn.

Your Abilities Are Mine Chapter 1 Dragon Tea

I am to serve you my High Queen Dabria explains.

. I am to be pleasing to you both for your eyes and your body. I insulted your mother and you insulted mine by failing to accept that I look like her. I dont like you but I didnt start this as many people can testify if you go telling lying tales.

At least I wouldnt worry about developing feelings for her. I am to devote myself to making you happy Dabria gently traces her first finger over Sias lips as she dreamily. I was afraid of falling for Myra if I.

A quick kick to the knee and a chop to the shoulder blades had the redhead on the floor. You fired a spell at me. Your wife offered your for lack of a better term services to me and honestly Im attracted to you At that point I wished it was Sara that wanted me.

Jill brags about your um abilities I shook my head in disbelief.

Your Abilities Are Mine Chapter 1 Dragon Tea

Your Abilities Are Mine Chapter 1 Dragon Tea

Your Abilities Are Mine Chapter 1 Dragon Tea

Your Abilities Are Mine Chapter 1 Dragon Tea


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